
As an ICT student or professional, you need to solve all kind of ICT challenges. Answering the questions and tackling the problems or opportunities of your ICT project requires research and often a combination of various ICT research methods. The toolkit on this website offers you a set of possible research methods and a framework to select the appropriate (combination of) methods.

The ICT Research Methods Pack is a card set with research methods for design-oriented research within ICT, developed by HBO-i . The set is suitable for use within ICT courses such as the broad ICT bachelor, business informatics or technical information. With the set you can orientate yourself on research methods and plan your project. The methods contained in the map set fit with the different research strategies of the Methods Map Practical Research, an internationally recognized framework for design research.


If you want to adjust the content on the website, you are more than welcome to edit it by yourself. The repository is open source, so you are able to make changes by yourself. There is a team of maintainers that has to approve your changes.

More information about how to contribute can be found in the README of the project.


All of its contents and the physical Methods pack have been realised as, and are maintained by HBO-i projects.

The Method cards (except the domain specific cards) were written by:

  • Wilco Bonestroo
  • Marcel Meesters
  • Ralph Niels
  • Jan Dirk Schagen
  • Koen van Turnhout

All Method cards were illustrated by Laura Henneke

How to cite

If you want to refer to the physical card set, please use this citation:

Bonestroo, W.J., Meesters, M., Niels, R., Schagen, J.D., Henneke, L., Turnhout, K. van (2018): ICT Research Methods. HBO-i, Amsterdam. ISBN/EAN: 9990002067426.